„Society is no longer as permeable as it used to be,” says former Siemens CEO Joe Kaeser in an interview with Der Spiegel. How can you optimise career opportunities and permeability in your company?

When: 26.09.2024, 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Language: German

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Top performers in key positions are critical to the company’s success; they make the difference. This requires talent management that is able to identify these talents and differentiate outstanding potential from good or very good potential.

This is the basis for the timely, targeted development of future top performers by providing personally tailored development programmes and suitable career models. Because:

There is often more talent(s) in the company than is recognised and used. Who are your talents? What motivates them? What mindset characterises them?


  • Mindset for success: the DNA of top performers – what makes the difference?
  • How to recognise and develop the right talents?
  • Is it possible to optimise internal recruiting?
  • How to make the right decision when choosing a career path for (young) talents?
  • Are there general success factors, regardless of career path?
  • What will the talent programmes of the future look like?


Why participate?

  • Empirical studies and clear insights into how companies successfully identify and retain talents.
  • Successful strategies for succession and career planning, recruiting and development.
  • Inspiration and exchange. Space for questions and discussion about the challenges and successes in talent development.

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