Ensure Optimal Staff Placement with HR Analytics
HR managers are under increasing pressure to deliver measurable results. With MINDONE, we have developed a platform that specialises in the analysis of potential and skills and delivers fast, reliably substantiated results that help companies to optimise their allocation of personnel.
Our Tools for Your Business Success
MINDONE is a mobile web app that makes it possible to conduct Potential analyses, Retention programmes, internal assessment processes such as 360° feedback as well as Development and Assessment Centers digitally and independent of location. These tools can be flexibly adapted to the needs of your company, so that results meet the actual business needs of the organisation. But that’s not all: with the Automated Tracking System you can digitise the entire application process. Used in conjunction with MINDONE, you can obtain a valid assessment of your applicants and maintain an overview of the application process at all times, handled entirely on the platform.
The Difference Between High and Low Performers
For over twenty-five years, we have committed ourselves to the goal of analysing top performers at companies and understanding their patterns of action and success. Our studies show that conventional personality tests cannot reliably assess a person’s suitability for a position or career. In many cases, personality analyses fail to show statistically significant differences between top and low performers. No wonder: differences are to be found in their motivational structure and interests, in other words, dimensions that are not covered in personality tests. That’s why we rely on multidimensional profiles in our potential analyses, which combine factors such as motivation, professional interests, thought style and cognitive abilities to form a comprehensive, scientifically sound model. Comparisons with empirical success profiles allow us to reliably select high performers with MINDONE.