360° Feedback

MINDONE 360° analysis provides information on how a person is perceived in their professional environment. By gathering various perspectives, 360° feedback provides a comprehensive picture and thus a resulting high-quality analysis. MINDONE 360° analysis is characterised by its innovative questioning technique and can be adapted to reflect company-specific competencies, guidelines and values.
360° Feedback as a Basis for Development
The combination of self-perception and the perception of others results in a valuable assessment of the participant’s current situation, which is then reflected in an informative feedback report. This report includes an overview of strengths and areas for development, concrete recommendations for development and biggest gaps in self-perception and others’ perception of participants. Current evaluations can be compared with the previous year’s values in an analysis of progress. 360° feedback is suitable:
- for reflecting on your own management impact
- as a performance management tool
- as a basis for annual reviews as well as for agreements on development and objectives
- as a framework for concrete development planning
- to monitor success of development measures
- in rolling out a management mission statement and corporate values
- in change processes as an effective way of aligning corporate strategy with existing management skills.
Overview of MINDONE 360° Feedback:
- Individualised Questionnaire: We create the questionnaire based on your competency model. The questions are adapted to your company-specific language to ensure maximum identification, validity and applicability.
- Flexible feedback providers: Both internal feedback providers and externals (e.g. customers and market partners) can be nominated
- Coordination by ITO: We handle all of the necessary coordination tasks including kick-off events, invitations and technical support
- Diverse: many languages available
- Simple, anonymous and secure: The entire process from invitation to evaluation is handled online via our MINDONE platform. Your data is encrypted, anonymised and secure at our IT center in Germany.
- Professional feedback dialogues, coaching style
- Successful team debriefings for efficient implementation of development
- Attentive process support: In addition to the planning, roll-out and monitoring of data capture, we offer a communication strategy tailored to your company as well as preparatory workshops.
You’re interested in booking us?
Send us your request today.